Welcome to Omni Ministries Trust! We are a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the amazing news about spiritual, financial, business and emotional freedom from the world around you!
Join us as we council you and our students in the ways of good money and business management, peaceful spiritual journeys and a multitude of blessings when you follow that which is good in the world. A large portion of our ability to help others is due to people like you who donate.
Ephesians 4:2-6
We are a community of people loving each other and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep this holly unity.
Jonathan Tristan
Ryan Morris
James Linden
Dave Brown
Omni Ministries Trust is a common law irrevocable ecclesiastical trust which operates under the direct authority of Jesus Christ and His Father, God the Creator. We are therefore able to assist anyone with spiritual, financial, business and emotional counseling anywhere on earth but focus our efforts in the USA which is where our counseling is most effective.
Copyright © 2021 Omni Ministries Trust